Friday, November 14, 2008

1 Month Old

Brooke is one month old today!

We went to the doctor on Tuesday (or was that Wednesday?!? - the days are blending) and she weighed 10 pounds, 14 ounces - up 2 pounds from her birth weight, exactly on target from where she should be. She has really bad "newborn congestion" which can keep her up, and means she needs to sleep upright, but other than that she is healthy and happy.

Mike makes fun of me when I compare...but I'm going to do it anyways. :-) Here is Reilly at one month old:


Second Shift Mommy said...

I am seeing real differences between Reilly and Brooke. Especially in the eye area, but the weird thing is I think Brooke's eyes look more like how Reilly's eyes look now.

And it was Wednesday.

CHarris said...

I knew you would know

Alison said...

Awww... she's getting so big!! Hope her cold goes away soon! I love the comparison! They definitely look like sisters... but they look like themselves too!

Grandma Trudy said...

I have the most beautiful grandchildren in the world!